A Gospel centered autonomous Baptist church that is true to the Scriptures in the South Valley of Albuquerque, NM.

Sunday School: 10:00 AM • Sunday Morning: 11:00 AM
Sunday Evening: 5:00 PM • Wednesday Evening 6:30 PM
2121 Gun Club Rd. SW, Albuquerque, NM 87105

Gospel Centered

We believe that Jesus commissioned the local church to be the institution by which the Gospel is spread to the ends of the earth for the purpose of world wide evangelism. Starting locally, and with the intent of world wide evangelism, we preach the Gospel message regularly. You will be encouraged and challenged by the message of Jesus and His finished work through Calvary.

An Autonomous Baptist Church

We believe that Jesus started His church. He is the head of His church, therefore, we are not under any denomination or institution. We, as a local church body, are accountable to each other, the Word of God, and Jesus Christ. We have liberty to serve Christ as He leads. We hold to timeless truth of the Holy Scriptures.

True To The Scriptures

We believe the Bible is the sole authority for all matters of faith and practice to lead a church body and guide Christians. We believe in expository Bible preaching to impact the lives of hearers, bringing them to Christ and strengthening their walk of faith. We will use the King James Bible for all aspects of our ministry.

In The South Valley

Rio Grande Baptist Church has been a lighthouse in the South Valley for many years. We want to continue that legacy and build upon it as God continues to lead our church. We want to share Jesus with these precious souls.

2121 Gun Club Rd. SW
Albuquerque, NM 87105
(505) 877-0535

© Rio Grande Baptist Church. All rights reserved.